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Upon the invitation of Mr Obaid Amrane, Ithmar Capital’s CEO, MGI participated in a two day programme that included the official launch ceremony of the Africa Sovereign Investors Forum (ASIF) under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco. This was followed by a conference debating the investment opportunities in the African continent which has a population of over 1.2 billion people.

MGI congratulates Ithmar Capital’s team for the successful event and augurs success to peers participating in ASIF. The forum can guarantee a significant mobilization of capital and ensure an effective integration into the financial markets. Sovereign wealth funds are a perfect hub to allocate capital to sectors that create economic value and have a high social impact, eg. green economy, infrastructure, blue economy and the digital sector.

These objectives are perfectly aligned with the EMENA Sovereign Wealth Funds Collaborative Network that was set up in Malta. MGI augurs a fruitful collaboration, bringing sovereign wealth funds closer together.

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