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Jesmond Gatt joined the Central Bank of Malta in 1984, graduating in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Malta in 1995. During his career at the Bank, which spans over 37 years, he worked on all major IT projects, and was tasked with the role of Chief Officer responsible for retail banking services, management of currency and the regulation of payment systems and infrastructures. He also formed part of the core financial sector team which oversaw the changeover to the Euro in Malta in 2008. Ever since Malta became part of the European Union, he has been a member of a number of Euro system and European Commission committees working on payments systems and the management of euro notes and coins. He has also participated in a number of European Commission initiatives, drawing up payment system regulations. Since 2016, he formed part of the Board of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU), serving as Chairperson to the Board from 2020 until 2023. He is currently the CEO of MIMCOL and Malta Government Investments (MGI) and Chairman to the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Malta Government Venture Capital Ltd.

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